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Causes of Late Menstruation and How to Overcome It

Late menstruation is always a question for many women. In general, a woman will have a normal cycle that ranges from 21 to 35 days. Menstruation is the monthly process of spilling the inner lining and blood of the uterus through the female genital or vaginal opening.

This discharge that contains blood occurs in women who have entered childbearing age and who are not pregnant. This event begins with the removal of the uterine mucous membrane in the inner uterus or endometrium.

Under the influence of the estrogen hormone, the endometrium also grows thicker, awaiting the arrival of the egg. It is like this thick layer of endometrium such as carpet or fertile soil that is ready to await the arrival of the egg. At the mid-peak of the optimal menstrual cycle, egg release occurs. Now, that's when there are incoming sperm cells, these eggs and sperm unite into zygote (the fetus) and attach to the endometrics that have reached the maximum thickness earlier.

This process will repeat every month, as long as there is no fertilization that results in zygote. In time, new membranes grow again. In other words, the carpet was held again, then the date again, and so on.

Like menstruation that has a cycle, there is also a late period of menstruation that falls into the normal category and the period of menstruation is unnatural. You need to pay attention to the reasonable period of menstruation to find out if a woman who is often late for her period needs certain medical treatment related to her condition, or not.

This Is the Cause of Late Menstruation You Need to Know
So what are the causes of late arrivals that often occur? The causes can vary. For those who are still unmarried, the cause of frequent late menstruation can be due to being too tired. For example, studying too hard for those who are still in school or college, or exercising too much. The imbalance of hormones in the body can also cause adolescents to arrive late in the month. The phenomenon of late arrivals is often the case.

Conversely it can also often late menstruation occurs in those who used to exercise and stop their habits suddenly. Even eating patterns can affect the menstrual cycle. For example, those who used to eat a lot and suddenly on a diet. This will make the body stress. Or it could be a thin body becomes fat. Anyway, every time there is a striking change in body weight, it can make teens late in the month and this can also occur in adults.

Certain types of drugs can also interfere with menstrual patterns and make women often come late, especially drugs that contain hormones. For example, drugs to treat itching or earache medications. Likewise, KB drugs or injection of KB. Only after stopping taking medicine, menstruation will return smoothly.

Late menstruation is more often experienced by those who are still girls, because the pattern of ovulation is not regular. It's just that, if you are accustomed to menstruation then there is no menstruation, you have to ask yourself. Don't ever take certain medications that can trigger physiological effects so it's often late to come.

What is the Deadline for Fair Menstruation?
So, menstruation is actually something normal, so that all women experience it. In every woman, this menstrual cycle also varies. The average distance is 28 days, late menstruation is 1 month, but it can also be up to 42 days. Even if there is a delay, the late menstrual limit that occurs such as 3-4 months, also need not worry too much. However, it is recommended that you keep checking with a specialist if you have experienced a period of menstruation until a matter of months. Especially if it's late to 5-6 months. So for women who are often late for menstruation, it is recommended to pay attention to the normal limits of menstruation so that proper handling can be done.

Womenfolk often misunderstand, if they are often late for months ranging from 4 to 5 months, they think that their blood can gather inside, stagnate, and can be dangerous for long. Even if you don't have menstruation, it means there is no bleeding in the body.

No menstruation means there is no loose endometrium. So that does not mean there is blood gathering. New blood comes out if the mucous membrane is released. If it's not released, it's not bleeding. So don't worry if the period is still in a reasonable count.

Is Frequent Late Menstruation Causing Difficult Pregnancy?
Cases that need to be watched out are teenage girls who have not yet received their first period. Especially if he has reached the age of 17 years. If this happens, you should immediately do the examination. Because, it could be possible for the blood membrane to be tightly closed. Normally, the blood membrane has holes. If it is tightly closed, he may be able to menstruate, but his period cannot come out. Well, cases like this can cause the blood to collect inside.

For those who are married, often late menstruation can be caused by the possibility of just finished giving birth or breastfeeding. There is also the possibility of having an infection, including infectious diseases due to sex. For those over the age of 35 years, also must be aware of the presence of ovarian tumors if the late menstrual limit has exceeded the normal menstrual limit or too long.

There are also women who experience bleeding between two periods. If this happens, you should immediately check it out. Bleeding that occurs with a cycle of less than 21 days is clearly not normal, especially for those who are no longer girls. For those who are under the age of 20, it may only be due to hormonal disorders.

Is it true that irregular menstruation or frequent menstruation is difficult to have children? This view is not always right. But it often happens, female patients want to have children but irregular menstruation to reach the late menstrual limit is too long. Then he came to the doctor, asking for regular menstruation so that he could have children. This is not always possible. Difficult to have children does not always correlate with menstrual cycles or late menstrual cycles, especially if women who are often late in menstruation are still within the normal menstrual limit.

Some cases of irregular menstruation can be overcome by living a regular lifestyle. For those who experience late menstrual irregularities or limits that are too long suddenly, you should not stress, not smoke, let alone drink alcoholic beverages.

Eat, work, and sleep should be regular. Often people forget to rest. I want to work continuously by ignoring a tired body. So, many ways to deal with late menstruation 4 months to 6 months such as good stress management and do not force yourself to work too hard. In addition, keep eating patterns can also be a way to overcome late menstruation 4 months, 6 months, or less than that.

However, there are also those who experience menstrual irregularities from the start. Those who experience something like this need to consult a specialist. For example menstruation that comes only 4 months since the beginning of the first menstruation. Another suggestion is not to take drugs at random. Also, make it a habit to regularly come to the obstetrician. There could be a danger of not having menstruation for 6 months because of a serious illness. Visiting a doctor will make you get the right treatment so that your period becomes smooth.

Symptoms of Late Coming and Handling
In addition to irregular menstruation, another thing that often disturbs women is pain before menstruation or during menstruation. It feels like heartburn mixed with cramps when blood is coming out. This pain is something natural, because the uterine wall is currently contracting or contracting to remove blood clots.

This pain is more pronounced in women who have never given birth. Because the cervix is ​​still small, so it feels like someone is giving birth. This is also something normal. Except for women who are very sensitive, the taste can be very painful. However, usually after marriage and having children, this will disappear.

However, if the pain is severe and prolonged, it needs to be aware of the possibility of suffering from endometriosis. In this case, the inner cells of the uterus grow not in the womb, but also outside. For example, in the ovary or fallopian tubes that are very painful.

If the pain before menstruation is so intense that it feels disabling, you should immediately see a doctor. Especially for those who have intercourse, because it might be a symptom of infection. Well, if there is an attachment to the internal genital organs resulting from the infection, the impact can make it difficult to have children.

Dizziness that accompanies menstruation is also a natural thing. The reason is, women who approach menstruation usually do experience pre-menstrual tension or tension before menstruation. The effects include feeling depressed, spotty, breast tenderness, saccharine pain, stomach feels bloated, swollen, there is pain. So, it becomes easier to get angry or vice versa and other emotional changes.

All of that, is natural and harmless. To reduce this uncomfortable condition, it is recommended to reduce foods that contain lots of salt, flavorings, or too much oil. Expand to eat fruits and vegetables, enough foods that contain oil. Expand to eat fruits and vegetables, enough foods that contain carbohydrates and high in fiber.

