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16 Dangers of Nicotine in the Body, Can Cause Erectile Disfunction!

The danger of nicotine greatly influences and changes brain function in the body. Nicotine makes the smoker feel relaxed and then feel more energetic and excited, or vice versa. This nicotine effect is commonly known as the biphase effect. The danger is, the more often someone smokes, the more they feel addicted and also the dose that will be used.

Nicotine will enter the body through the lungs and alveoli in active smokers and passive smokers. Alveoli is part of the lungs, where oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the breathing process. When cigarette smoke is inhaled into the lungs, nicotine moves through the alveoli into the bloodstream, and in 15 seconds, is transported throughout the body and brain.

Dangers of Nicotine in the Body
Inhaled cigarette smoke also has a negative effect on the body: Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke has the potential to damage the lungs and arterial walls, thereby increasing the potential for heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. Smoking also changes skin, teeth, and hair to look older. Smoking also affects everything from fertility, heart strength, to your bones.

Here are the complete dangers of nicotine which can interfere with the health of the body:

1. Causes uneven skin tone
The danger of nicotine cigarettes can chronically reduce skin oxygen and its nutrients. Some smokers look pale, while others develop uneven skin tone. This change began at a young age, according to dermatologist Jonette Keri, MD, from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. In young people who do not smoke, usually uneven skin color is not seen, but this develops faster in people who smoke.

2. Sagging skin
There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, and the danger of nicotine triggers the destruction of collagen and elastin. This is a fiber that makes your skin strong and elastic. Active smokers or even passive smokers can reduce "skin building blocks." The consequences include causing sagging skin and deeper skin wrinkles.

3. Her arms and breasts are loose
Smoking not only damages the appearance of the face, but can also affect other parts of the body. When the skin loses its elasticity, the parts that were once tight may begin to relax. This includes the inner arm and breast. Researchers have identified smoking as the main cause of sagging breasts.

4. Wrinkled lips
The effects of nicotine from smoking can slowly affect around your mouth. First, it causes lip wrinkles. Smokers use certain muscles around the lips which cause dynamic wrinkles. Second, the skin loses its elasticity. Together, these factors can cause deep lines around the lips.

5. Skin spots
Age spots are darker patches of skin that are common on the face and hands. While some people can develop these spots because they are exposed too often to sunlight, research shows that smokers are more vulnerable.

6. The teeth and gums are damaged
Yellow teeth are one of the most frequent effects of nicotine from long-term smoking, but tooth decay doesn't stop there. People who smoke tend to develop gum disease, persistent shortness of breath, and other oral hygiene problems. Smokers are twice as likely to experience toothless teeth.

7. Stained fingers
If you already smoke, pay attention to the nails and skin of your hands. The nicotine effect of cigarettes can stain the skin, nails, and teeth. The good news is that these stains tend to fade when you stop smoking.

8. Hair loss
Both men and women tend to develop thinner hair or fall with age, and smoking can accelerate hair loss. Some studies even show that people who smoke are more likely to experience baldness. Researchers in Taiwan have identified smoking as a clear risk factor for baldness in Asian men.

9. Cataracts
Even the eyes are vulnerable to nicotine. Smoking makes you more likely to develop cataracts as you age. The eye becomes an area that is often exposed to cigarette smoke which often attacks light entering the retina. If cigarette smoke causes serious vision problems, medical treatment is surgery.

10. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic condition that most often causes thick and scaly patches on the skin, this condition usually occurs in the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet or back. Spots may be white, red, or silver. Recent studies show that the danger of nicotine from cigarettes has a greater risk of developing psoriasis.

11. The skin of the eye area is wrinkled
Everyone will have wrinkles on the outside of the eye as they age, but these wrinkles develop earlier and deeper in smokers. The heat from cigarettes and squinting to expel cigarette smoke from the eyes will cause the skin in the eyes to wrinkle. Meanwhile, chemicals from the effects of nicotine cause internal damage to the structure of the skin and blood vessels around the eyes.

12. Brittle bones
Everyone knows the lungs are damaged by the nicotine effect of smoking, but research shows surprising ways that tobacco affects other limbs, namely your bones. Smoking turns out to increase the risk of developing weak bones or osteoporosis. This condition increases the risk of fractures including the spine, which causes it to bend and make you bend.

12. Heart disease and erectile dysfunction (ED)
The effects of nicotine affect almost every organ in the body, including the heart. In people who smoke, arteries that carry blood to the heart become narrowed over time.

Smoking also increases blood pressure and makes it easier for the blood to clot. These factors increase the chance of having a heart attack. In men who smoke, a decrease in blood flow can cause impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).

13. Reproductive problems
Women who smoke can cause difficulty getting pregnant and giving birth to healthy babies. Cigarettes related to fertility problems. The effects of nicotine from smoking during pregnancy also increase the likelihood of having a miscarriage, premature birth, or giving birth to a baby with a low birth weight.

14. Speed ​​up menopause
This is the similarity that all women feel: menopause, the phase when a woman's hormones decrease and the menstrual cycle stops forever. Most women experience this change around the age of 50 years. But the dangers of nicotine from smoking can cause menopause earlier on average 1 1/2 years, than women who don't smoke. The effect is most powerful in women who have been smoking for years.

15. Oral cancer
Compared to passive smoking, people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco products are more likely to develop oral cancer. Smokers who are also heavy drinkers are 15 times more likely to develop this cancer. The most common symptoms are inflammation that aches on the tongue, lips, gums, or other areas of the mouth that don't heal and may hurt. The easiest solution to avoid the danger of nicotine is to stop smoking, this can substantially reduce the risk of oral cancer in a few years.

16. Lung cancer
Lung cancer is the main male and female cancer killer. Those who died of the disease, 9 out of 10 deaths were caused by smoking. The danger of nicotine from cigarettes can also damage the lungs in other ways, making people more susceptible to respiratory problems and dangerous infections such as pneumonia.

Dangers of Nicotine in the Brain
Besides affecting body health, the danger of nicotine also causes damage to the brain. The brain consists of millions of neurons or cells that transmit information throughout the nervous system.

Between two neurons there are synapses, where information is transmitted. Neurons release chemicals called neurotransmitters that bind cells to other neurons to form a braid.

In the brain, the effect of nicotine binds itself to a subset of neurons that usually bind neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This ultimately prevents neurons from transmitting messages related to muscle movements and energy levels.

When nicotine blocks the receptor, the body releases more acetylcholine in an effort to find neuronal synapses.

Excess acetylcholine makes the brain release another neurotransmitter called dopamine which controls the center of pleasure or comfort in the brain. Increased levels of acetylcholine make people feel more alert, while an increase in dopamine makes a person feel relaxed.

High levels of acetylcholine and dopamine are signals for the brain to release endorphins and glutamate. Endorphins produce a feeling of pleasure or relaxation while glutamate records this relaxed sensation, thereby encouraging further use, which causes addiction to the danger of nicotine.

